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Your Name
Your web URL Please include any ?utm_source=colorpick&utm_campaign or tracking param needed.
Your Bid (USD)
Your image No animation; 250px max
Tooltip Optional hover text (alt text)
Campaign Start
Campaign End 23:59
31 days selected.
The email you use at paypal will be the primary method of contact. You can add more info after your name.

Disclaimer: Your bid will be refunded if it is found that your image or URL fail to comply with webstore policies prior to deployment, and your bid will be revoked. If your image or URL are found to violate chrome webstore policies after deployment you will loose your bid and your ad placement (your bid and refund will be revoked).
Deployment occurs approximately 1 week prior to campaign start. If we detect that deployment has not occurred in time for your campaign, your campaign will be extended, discontinued and refunded, or a refund will be applied in a pro-rated manner to account for delayed campaign start.
If your campaign must be ended before the duration is expired for any reason outside my control, your bid will be forfeit.
Communication will occur to the email you have on file. This will typically be the payment email address for your paypal account. If you must get in touch use the contact form on this site.

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