ColorPick Firefox Extension

Google Chrome Extension

Mobile Phone App
Screenshot of Color Pick with hex color #7b00ff selected, a shade of purple
ColorPick for Mobile & Tablet
As you can see above, ColorPick Eyedropper is an offline tool (hosted online at which is loaded from the ColorPick Mobile WebDemo repo) and thanks to emScripten and WebASM. No registration or arbatrary API hurdles or/and hostile compeitive extension or app marketplace is required...
You can also build it from source for desktop features, see the Mobile tab for more details. Once lunched you can load any color source image or screenshot in your library, consult help: open image button. The above is simply the quick way to launch the tablet edition from anywhere.
The old pallete tools you know and love from the extension found a home at the Color Pallete Search and Gradient tool.

Are there ads in the MV2 Extension

Ostensibly, no. Clickable image links to amazon are not ads in the modern sense of the word, as these simple image links DO NOT TRACK YOU. They are images embedded in the extension, not loaded from the internet, so there is no http referrer sent and no way any of these images cause cookies or are trakers. YOUR WELCOME; PLEASE STOP WITH THE DUMB one star reviews... yeah if they tracked you sure I agree ($pyware is so lame)... but in spite of them being basic/safe image links; you can disable them too, just steal the program as shown below and disable the watermark feature...

YES this website does have ads that probably track you.. but hosting is not free, having a website is not free, and rating a website is one thing... but this endeavour is a break-even one and it still fails... if only NFP could cost nothing to keep the lights on, that's what this is... a brutalist profitless hobby project.

Buy ColorPick License

Or don't buy!

ColorPick always works without registration. If you have a technical issue do not register; as registration will never solve any technical issue! I cannot offer unlimited technical support. Send your bug reports. When last tested the software worked on the devices tested.

If you did buy a licence in the past, thank you! At some point I plan to try and migrate the chrome based licenses into real ones, and add the feature to sell your licence at the current market rate, but it will take time to build these features. Sorry that this project did not work out financially and is at an end, but this happens in our capitial-facist dystopia most of the time. By avoiding being spyware, in a world where everything works for free, no money was made by this project. Watch out though for imitations and possibly hijackers who may be publishing disingenuine versions of my products, even google or microsoft may not always be delivering the spyware free version of the extension that I published in all locations, as there may be ohter parties with different motivations between you and the internet. All hail our capital overloards facism for the market rate. I beleive I tried to make it free but the system probably just used it/me like everyone else. If you think there are good actors who are motivated by somethign other than stacking dollars make sure to report them for further abuse. If you want to give me money you can still upgrade your exisitng license if you are lucky enough to have registered here before registrations were closed. Thanks for your time; the only thing left of any real value; and even that will dwindle to a close as the profit motive drives the course of histories unwravelilng. The greed hating "false god" will too go missing for the benefits of the short term profit motive. Whatever you do; don't choose fear.

And if you are one of those special people who absolutely must register the extension, check the source code on the register.html page, there is a
/*wow this extension is free, what a */steal();//unsteal();
functionality; you can just call those functions to move in and out of registered mode (one way is from the javascript console). I would log in and respond to all the terribly stupid reviews except it would further compromise the security of my google account to log in because none of my devices are secure nor will they ever be secure again. Again the funcitons are steal() and unsteal(); if you are troubled by the names just add some comment in front to justify the action as legitimate to you, as shown above.

Color Pick is an Amazing Eye Dropper that allows precise selection of color values through it's one-of-a-kind zoomed preview!


  • Press Pick and use mouse to select colors from anywhere on any screen!
  • Zoomable Color Picker Preview for Pixel Perfect Accuracy.
  • Use arrow keys or drag preview for fine adjustment.
  • View HEX RGB and HSL color values and copy the selection with ease.
  • Convert from RGB to HEX and from HEX to RGB (windows only).
  • Color History stores previously chosen colors during each session.

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